Ruth shared that a letter that we need, really, really, really order for the judge to approve our adoption, has been written, and is ready!!! Ruth will head out to pick this letter up tomorrow-- picking up the letter is a two hour drive over rugged roadways, to the capital city of Ouagadougou....for us. For a letter. For our boy.
We've known that the absence of this letter could cause a delay, resulting in a later court date, as in farther from now than ever. We know that the only one who could write this letter was out of the country. This is the glitch we've been praying about, the one we're asking God to lift and fix.
So tomorrow, Ruth needs to read this letter, and then show it to our attorney there, to see if has the right content and signatures, and official stamps in all of the right places.
IF it does, then they will ask to have our court date moved up UP, UP, UP! As in closer to now than ever! We are so excited about this possibility-- It means that we are likely to travel to Africa, to hold our new son by Christmas!
A woman at church prayed with me today. We prayed for God to remove this glitch. She prayed for God's plans for this child to come to pass, without further delay...."It is finished" she said. She cast the enemy from our story, affirmed that he had no claim here, and commanded, in our God's name, that chaos and confusion disrupt all plans to delay our adoption any further.
Now if you are not a believer or a follower of our God, then I know it sounds crazy when you say it like this, when you pray like this........but if you walk in the place where you feel God walking with you, it is not crazy at all..... is it?
Please pray with us-- Our God is bigger than the obstacles in our paths.
Image from, StudioBeerhorst |